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Sesame seeds

1 min read

The beneficial properties of sesame have been known since ancient times. 60% of sesame seeds consist of oil, which contains essential oils, organic acids, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, and a lot of triglycerides.100 g of sesame seeds contain the daily amount of calcium. The seeds contain phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, vitamins A, B, E, PP. Sesamin, an antioxidant contained in the composition, is considered one of the most effective in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of oncological diseases. The phytin in the seeds restores the balance of minerals in the body. Phytosterols strengthen the immune system, increase the body’s resistance to infections, and reduce the risk of illness during a flu epidemic.

High calcium content strengthens bones and helps prevent osteoporosis. Consuming a sufficient amount of sesame increases the amount of platelets in the blood and improves clotting. Sesame improves the condition of nails and hair. Riboflavin in sesame seeds has an influence on the human growth process. Thiamine normalizes metabolism, improves the work of the nervous system. Vitamin PP in sesame is extremely useful for the digestive system.

Among other positive properties, the seeds have a useful function – they help fight obesity.

Sesame seeds are especially beneficial for women aged 45 and older. They contain phytoestrogens, which are considered a substitute for female sex hormones. When making crackers, we soak sesame seeds in cold water for 12 hours to make them as big as possible.

Sesame seeds can be found in the following OMEGAFUL crackers: