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More than half a dozen flavoring substances give pineapples a mild and aromatic smell. They contain citric and ascorbic acid, sugar, protein, fibers, as well as potassium, magnesium, provitamin A, vitamin C, PP, B1, B2, B12 and other trace elements and minerals. Pineapple is a healthy and delicious exotic fruit that is rich in calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, zinc, copper and other trace elements. In addition, pineapples are rich in organic acids and fibers. This fruit has the ability to thin the blood, helps reduce not only blood pressure, but is also useful for the prevention of many dangerous diseases: stroke, thrombosis, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, etc. i.e. In addition, pineapple helps with kidney disease and heart ailments, and also helps to get rid of swelling.

There is no doubt that pineapple is good for women who want to lose weight, which is why this fruit is a popular component of various diets. It contains biologically active substances that stimulate digestion and metabolism. Pineapples are low in calories – only 48 kcal. Dried pineapples are a source of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins and fibers. They help to get rid of swelling, give energy and improve mood. Some doctors recommend pineapple snacks for those who want to quit smoking – the experience of many smokers shows that such snacks reduce the urge to smoke.

We use fresh and dried pineapples for the production of OMEGAFUL crackers Enjoy pineapple in these crackers: